Friday, May 2, 2014

Business Plan-Final Project

My business is an exclusive importer and distributor of rarified/specialty spirits of Scandinavian origin, particularly mead and Brennivin (Iceland's national drink).  The name I've gone with is Old Norse Spirits.  The clientele I imagine this would attract consists of drunks, hipsters, specialty drink conossieurs, Scandi ex-pats, and weirdos who like to role-play as Vikings.  I imagine I'll incorporate a drinking horn into the logo.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Logo Redesign

Here is the original Bradly LLC logo.  They are a client of the screen printing shop, who had requested a redesign that more simplistic (a front left pocket sort of logo).  Their parameters were "get rid of the globe, and 'A Division Of'."  While I think that it's sort of dull, I also realize that the clients' wants are far more important than satisfying my artistic sensibilities, so I simplified the hell out of it.  Hopefully they go for it and cut me a check...

Friday, February 28, 2014

Album Cover

This would be such an awesome name for a black metal band...makes me wish I had any musical talent...

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Favorite Movie Poster

The movie poster I chose is the one for Valhalla Rising, a film which came out a couple of years ago and was directed by my favorite director, Nicolas Winding Refn.  I think it--like the movie--is very atmospheric and has an air of mystery.  The placement of the Viking-age warrior (and his sword) against a sparse-yet-beautiful northerly background, enshrouded in mist, and with no other distracting figures (human or otherwise) in sight, makes for a very compelling image.